You should have fully read and understood these rules before joining us. Our rules are respected and enforced.      Requirements:  Steam otherwise Xfire account, age over 18, Teamspeak, Headset, atleast    one of the games N|R|F plays online and you need to join the N|R|F Forums. To become a recruit please speak to an N|R|F admin. N|R|F members will not use cheats or glitches. N|R|F members have the privilege and task of always wearing the tag. In Steam: N|R|F or N|R|Force and on Xfire:  «-И|Я|F-»  or  «-И|Я|FOЯCE-». N|R|F members do not name whore (constant altering of nickname) A member can choose his nickname how he likes and changes are no problem, but he shouldnt overdo it. Persons who change identitys every day we call name whores and arent welcome here. N|R|F members will show good sportsmanship. Ingame and in Teamspeak. Any ingame insults from enemy players towards an N|R|F member, or to the N|R|F clan are to be ignored and left uncommented. Dont get distracted in game by insults. N|R|F members will treat other N|R|F members with respect, no matter what their heritage, gender or religious beliefs. N|R|F members will treat non N|R|F members the same way. Show dignity and honour while representing the N|R|Force. Whining ingame or getting angry written or acoustically doesnt only distract other members, but shows lack of disciplin. N|R|F members do not behave this way. By doing so, we stand above players with bad behaviour or those that annoy others. Playing properly is only possible by concentration and according behaviour. Members are representatives of the N|R|F and are perceived as such by other persons and organizations. A member's public conduct, good or bad, will be reflected on the organization as a whole. Clan information N|R|F members will not pass on clan or other sensitive information. Recruits Recruits are to be directed to an N|R|F admin. The recruiting officer will post the basic information into the admin forum as a new member decision with an admin poll. The votes will be counted and this process can take upto 1-2 weeks before the admins can make their final decision. Recruits need to use an upto date version of Teamspeak. Recruits are not allowed to have a VAC ban. An N|R|F member will always be in good standing in VAC* . Recruits will not wear the N|R|F clan tag until officially a member. Recruits will instead wear the recruit tag: N|R|Fr or N|R|FR. The R stands for "Recruit" until an N|R|F admin invites them to the Clan group and the invitation is accepted. Website/Forums Login: Unlike the clan tag rule on Steam/Xfire the tag is voluntary when you register here. But clan members will register with the same nickname they are known under in the clan. N|R|F members will be able to see Clan Only Forums, will have more functions than normal community members. After registration an admin will add you to the Usergroup, rights are automatically obtained. Any problems are to be directed to an admin of your trust or described in the internal N|R|F Forums. Clan Officers/Admins Clan members can become admins of the Force, if other admins dont have a problem with it and they are able to contribute their part of the server costs (5 €). Admins will have admin access to the gaming server/s, website, groups, forums and Teamspeak server. There are also various organisation and other admin positions. These can be viewed and are to be respected as admins will have that job/authority within the clan. The clan officers can schedule admin meetings and have the ability to post for example events or announcements on the clan groups and forums. Additional Admin Info like how to protect the server from cheaters can be found in the, for them visible admin area of our Forums. To become an admin a poll is held in the admin forums similar to the recruit polls. * with 1 exeption, JOKER, whos sudden ban caused this rule to be enforced more greatly as of beginning 2013. Weve never let anyone in with VAC and wont ever start doing so. But we made the decision to keep Joker as he proved it wasnt through his actions, nor did he get his VAC ban in any of the N|R|F games we play. His explanation was believable but future VAC bans will not be tolerated. Since then any member with VAC will be kicked.